Tuesday, May 11, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥

I haven't been here for ages! Finally, I'm back again. There were many changes in my life, but I decided not to write a huge post, I'll mention some recent events, which are obviously have to be mentioned.

I'm still in fashion, not in alco anymore =)

The biggest news is I'm in love... in love with my new job|hobby|lifestyle! I am working as a make-up artist now, and I love what I'm doing. To cut a long story short, and not to post all my first works, I'll leave my portfolio web-site here nataly.activeskillz.ru

Thursday, October 29, 2009


What do you think of this young lady? Honestly, I haven't heard of people, who are indifferent to her. Someone may say, she's gorgeous, a new Pop Princes, others say her style is awful and she is vulgar.
What I can say, is that she's got a style (thanx to her stylists :) and that she is very energetic, which is a definetely good quality to have, when you are into showbiz...

Friday, May 29, 2009


la la la la ....

mmmm..... tequila !

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The best you've ever had

Today's ma b-day
i'm absolutely happy, cause there r so many wonderful people around me, who do take care
i've got the presents i was dreaming about
but still, i feel a bit sad
well, let's not make plans too early, cause nobody knows what's gonna happen in several minutes
my granny says, dreams come true
so, i keep on dreaming .)


that's for you

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bat for Lashes - What's a Girl to Do

WOW....      well, that's cool !

First love

she's electric!
born in Miami, => moved to hong Kong, => Paris, finally
smth i never knew about her:
originally studied fashion in Paris (who would ever have thought...)

*adore her lyrics